Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crow has a wife!

With the coming of spring so comes the mating rituals of Crow. He has found his life partner and he bought her to meet me. He doesn't come as often but when he does he takes food for her. Yesterday he stuffed meat in a crevice in the fence and the pushed grass in on top of it. Then he took the rest of the meat and flew to the lamp post at the front of my house where she was, and fed her. Often they sit together on the roof of my house and I feel protected.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meet Mr Crow

I have been befriending a particular Crow which is actually a Raven. He visits me each morning and I feed him. He alights on my pergola and I can see him from my bed. He sits there and ruffles his feathers until I go out and see him. This morning he ate from my hand which was a triumph of trust.
He is part of my project 'Becoming Crow' which looks at the way we interact with the natural environment and are separate from it.